shooting war

open conflict between hostile nations involving direct military engagements.
Examples from the web for shooting war
  • But these days, if it turned into a shooting war, we'd lose.
  • The two sides in the shooting war in the national park signed a ceasefire months ago.
  • So he has started spending quality time drinking chai with local leaders instead of fighting a shooting war.
  • Even if there is a lull in the shooting war, there are many bitter issues to be settled.
  • Reporting a shooting war, no matter how historic or dramatic the conflict, involves less glory than sheer danger.
  • The fact is, the realities coexist: this is a country working to move on amid a shooting war that will not end.
  • At first it looked as though the outbreak of a shooting war meant a cease-fire in our long-running culture war.
  • Once a shooting war starts that is not the time for training.
  • We are engaged in a shooting war in two combat theaters.
Slang definitions & phrases for shooting war

shooting war

noun phrase

hot war (1941+)